Communication Projects

25-jähriges Jubiläum des Shanghai-Hamburg College der USST

Eine Veranstaltung zum 25-jährigen Jubiläum der Gründung des Shanghai-Hamburg College der USST sowie der HAW Hamburg
und das Internationales Forum „Integration der Hochschulingenieursausbildung in die Industrie vor dem Hintergrund des Strebens nach Klimaneutralität und Entwicklung der Künstlichen Intelligenz“.

Communication Projects

Transversality and Mediality: The Social and Societal Character of Language in Educational Field of View.

A lecture by Prof. Thomas A. Bauer on Transversality and Mediality.

Communication Projects

Corporate Sustainability:

An abstract by Professor Thomas A. Bauer on corporate sustainability (in German).


We warmly welcome the VNU delegation

We welcome the delegation from the National University of Vietnam, which is visiting Vienna in the interest of internationalization of science and research.


Istria Media Days 2023

The Istria Media Days 2023 will take place from 15 to 18 October in Vrsar, Croatia.


Comenius Award 2023

The Comenius EduMedia Awards took place in Berlin this June.


A productive exchange between USST and ESEC

In June 2023, ESEC had the honor of receiving a visit from the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST), where a memorandum of understanding was signed by USST Vice President Prof. Dr. Cai Yonglian and Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauer, ESEC President.

Award Communication CRAIQ-EUmedia Dissemination Think & Drink

Come and join us at the next Think & Drink

Have you ever thought about what you need to know and be able to do to learn from media properly? If so, or if you are just interested in the topic in general, you are cordially invited to come to our next Think & Drink.


Orientalismus und Okzidentalismus in Zeiten der Postmodernen Kommunikation

A guest article by Dr. Razan Jadaan.

CRAIQ-EUmedia Dissemination Think & Drink

Think & Drink: Kunst:Europa

At our second Think & Drink in February, we discussed all topics related to art and Europe.